Talley Landscape Architects began working with Harris County MUD 230 with the design of Mandolin Gardens Park. This park transformed two overgrown detention basins into the green heart of the district. The construction of Mandolin Gardens acted as a catalyst for additional phases of park overlays on MUD 230’s detention basins, adding miles of trail to their community.
The Triangle Basin Trail connects to Mandolin Garden was constructed as the logical second phase of MUD 230’s Park Masterplan. The parks in MUD 230 are organically maintained with no chemical herbicides or pesticides. The Texas Forest Service has recorded the growth rate of trees on these projects and estimates that trees in the MUD’s parks have twice the growth rate of chemically maintained landscapes.
The third phase of construction focused on the basin of the neighborhoods south of Mandolin Gardens. The Mandolin Prairie completed construction in 2018 with a loop trail and acres of pollinator habitat, once again raising home values in the adjacent neighborhoods. The trail is heavily used, while birds and pollinators are abundant. Interpretative signs help residents identify native plants, butterflies and birds.
Once completed, MUD 230’s Parks and Trails Masterplan will form a 5-mile loop of trails around the District. The trails will connect to not only the District parks, but also Harris County’s Matzke Park, the 100-Acre Woods Preserve, and the future Cypress Creek Trail Corridor.